Wednesday, May 14, 2008

May 14, 2008

Great news!!!! I went to the doctor yesterday and the lump under my arm has gone down considerable. After my first chemo, it had gone down, but the doctor had to really push and search to feel anything this time. I am feeling great again--as it is the third week after chemo. I have my third treatment next Tuesday, May 20. The doctor said I am doing wonderful and he is very happy with my progress.
I am doing better emotionally also. As I said before it is just always hard for me to back up, since I am so high energy and hard headed. I know God is telling me to just trust Him and He will show me great and wonderful things through this process. I am an instrument in His hands, but sometimes I want to guide His hands, which is so not what He wants me to do. I have to relax and rest in Him and walk with Him---no, follow Him through this time in my life and learn that I need to always follow and not try to lead.
We had a great Mother's Day. Gary's Mom and Dad came down Friday and we went to dinner. Ashley and Allyson came in Friday night and spent the weekend. My mom came Saturday and spent the night with us. We had a great weekend. I received flowers and gifts and even some roses from some of our adopted kids.
Prayer requests:
I will allow God's light to shine through me and show His love.
Continued healing on my body and to be cancer free.
We can get our church building finished.
We can settle with insurance company on our water leak at our home.
My car is having major problems--it is going into mechanic today.
As always, thank you all so very much. I love you all and thank God for every remembrance of you. Keep looking up, He's coming soon.


a lotta joy said...

I am praying for you and look forward to talking to you soon. And even seeing you next month. I am thankful for you -

Anonymous said...

wow, Dana. You really put trusting the Lord into perspective. Thank you for sharing your walk with us. We are praying with you for all of your requests. Bless you!

rlewis said...

Dana, saw your story on a classmate blog. I am glad you are doing well with your treatments. I have added you and your family to our prayer list in Nocona.

Our God is truly amazing. He has prepared you for this journey and you have responded with love and trust in Him. What a light for others to see. I will continue to follow your progress and pray for you.

Rick Lewis